A narrow waist and wide hips in women have always been considered a sign of attractiveness, good hormonal status and reproductive function.
Until recently, rib removal was considered the only way to create a narrow and graceful waist for women without excess weight. But during such an operation, the integrity of the skeleton and its function of protecting internal organs from damage were violated, and the recovery period was long and painful.
A revolution in this area was made by Doctor Kazbek Kudzaev. He developed a delicate method of narrowing the waist to 7-10 cm with full preservation of the ribs.
Waist Narrowing without Removal Ribs
Formation of a narrow waist is the newest method of safe waist narrowing without removing ribs. The main advantage of the operation is that it gives a significant result without causing any damage to the internal organs and the body as a whole. The operation “narrow waist” implies a soft narrowing of the ribs and their subsequent fixation in a new position.
Will the ribs definitely heal?
The fusion of ribs after fractures is a natural process in the human body, therefore, after artificially creating a fracture line of the XI and XII ribs during waist narrowing, the process of bone callus formation occurs within 1 month.
How soon can you perform your usual load after waist narrowing without rib removal?
After waist narrowing without rib removal, it is important to strictly adhere to physical activity restrictions for 8 weeks (2 months) after surgery. In the future, a gradual and smooth increase in load is possible over 1-1.5 months.
Enhancing result with liposculpture
Top board-certified plastic surgeon Dr.Zykov notes: “The most common option is a combination of waist reduction surgery with liposculpture. In this case, it’s not just about reducing waist circumference but also an opportunity to eliminate localized fat deposits on the lower back and create rounder buttocks.”
Liposculpture (Brazilian Butt lift) – this is an aesthetic operation that involves transplanting the patient’s own fat cells into desired areas, such as the buttocks. Due to this, just one intervention allows you to remove excess volumes from the waist and make the hips area more appetizing.
In combination with liposculpture, the Kudzaev method allows you to significantly reduce body volume and create more expressive, harmonious and feminine contours. The combination of several methods of body shaping allows the surgeon to perform a more targeted correction, working on fatty and cartilaginous tissue.
Each patient is unique, and the approach to body shaping is individual. In some cases, isolated liposuction may be enough to achieve the desired result, in others, additional body plastic surgery methods are required, for example, abdominoplasty. The surgical correction plan is discussed with the plastic surgeon in advance.